SE SSION 7. 1.In this sesiĆ³n you are going to consolidate the vocabulary of computers andInternet tems. 1. IT is an abrreviation for Information Technology. (TRUE) . 2.The Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) are the samething. (FALSE) 3.-A browser is a person who enjoys loo!ing at the WWW. (FALSE) . 4.can see pictures and words online but you cannot listen to sounds. (FALSE) . 5. you need the newest' fastest computers to use the Web. (FALSE) . 6. Most internet users are men. (FALSE) . 7. @ is called at in English. (TRUE). 2. Match the words to their definitions. 1.Browser : Software that lets you access the WWW. 2.To download : To get programs from the Internet 3.To chat : To have a conversation through the Internet by writing or speaking 4.Email : Letters you send by Internet 5.A modem : Thing that connects a computer to the Internet 6.Wi-Fi :Wireless device that allows computers to connect to...
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